who's that in the background...??

hey look what's just turned up on the internet - another random photo of sar looking thoughtfully vain in front of a mirror, from that trashy fbi night at the mandarin club which an elite few of us attended back sometime last year... (that is you, isn’t it ??)
sarah, there seem to be trashy photos of you in bathrooms at clubs around sydney, all over the place! Now we just need some more trashy photos from more trashy clubs across asia (and the rest of the world, when you get there...), and the Travel of the Trashbags Trashy Photographic Collection of Tragic Trollops will be complete! (not that you look like a trollop here or anything... the alliteration just worked well...)
Keep on snappin'!
x claire
p.s. when i say 'turned up on the internet' - i don't mean i just posted it up. I came across this on some random's photo blog, and thought it worthy of a mention
oh my god! i think that is me..!?
i am being stalked, though quite unsuccesfully.
you seem to imply that there are many photos like this one around on the net....what do you kno that i dont?!!
much love to all
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