Muriels Wedding... The Prelude
Last Saturday night a select few (aka half of CSU Bathurst, most of the Hunter Valley, a few from Yamba, one from Hobart and another fresh of the plane from London) were invited to a night of decadance, fine dining, quiet drinks and civil socialising... all in the spirit of celebrating the Engagement of Penny Anderson And Josh Evans.
And here's the happy couple:

Ohhhhh... how cute!
The evening started off civilised:

And then Penny came out in something left over from 80's prom night, someone mentioned the word "fist" and Karla started behind the bar, opening everything in sight... Yes, things got messy:

So the Prince of the Hunter Valley and the Pricess of Yamba Fish and Chip Shop lived happily ever after:

More Pics to come... Thanks to Pip for these ones!
Love Tim x
We wish we were there guys! Sounds like you had a ball... and congrats again on the engagement Penny!
We celebrated for you in style in Whistler...with one, maybe two or SIX black ices each! hehe..
Love to you all.. Mon and Beth :)
Hey! No fisting photos without me! Are you drinking extra drys too?
Penny you look absolutley stunning.
Ez, you look a little possesed in one of those photos too. Hot possesed though.
Yep! They're Extra Dry's you see!
I'd been messaging Whitnall when at Roof Bar last Thurs night saying can I get you a beer? And he wrote back "Extra Dry please".
Little did I know that 2 days later he'd show up at Pen's and once he got settled I went and got him an Extra Dry and said "Sorry it's 2 days late!"
And Pen did look just gorgeous !
Timbo x
please explain the 80s photo
The 80s pic has to do with Penny and Josh deciding to inform us that the engagement night was actually their wedding night... Much to our surprise.
Meanwhile, I nearly shat myself until they told us they were joking.
All Kate Mitchell could say was "But this isn't what I wanted to wear to the wedding!"
Token Tim x
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