help please
i need help...i did a bad thing.
i borrowed a very expensive dress off one of my friends who is well... a beautician so her clothes and looks are a major part of her life.
at josh's sister's 21st in my usual style i got drunk...went dancing and i put a hole in said dress.
i maintain i got drunk after his dad made a pass in the speech that the next family event should be josh's wedding- christ people it has only been 2 weeks!!!
anyway... any advice as to what i can do to soften the blow?? i have been freaking out all week and not calling her on purpose until i think of a solution. obviously i'll pay for repairs (difficult it's stretchy material) and anything else she wants of course..... argh... i think there is a curse over my 24th year - lost glasses, boys fighting, ripped dress, missing pay... what have i done karma gods???
Tough one Pen.
You have one of two options:
1 - Get the dress repaired and don't tell her about it. It's amazing what they can do nowadays.
2 - don't get it fixed, return it and hope she only ever wears the same thing once.
3 - pretend you haven't noticed it.
Well that's three options.
My vote is for number 1.
That was me.
hmmmmm Nail polish?
oh wait thats if you scratch the car?
yeah i told her about it after a week of freaking out.
and she didn;t care said sh;e's only worn it once so not to worry.
so i stressed for nothing!!!
ps funny story: josh bought me riding boots when we were at a horse sale on the weekend. proper ones - not lookalike cowboy boots i mean riding boots. now that's an expensive way to make sure a girl hangs around...although they are a tax deduiction i guess...
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