Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I'm in love!!! Again!

Guys, great news... well, kinda.

I've found someone. He's beautiful. He's sensitive and wants to fall in love, not have random sex, but he does admit to be gifted at love making! He can capture, eartag, earmark, brand, castrate and release a calf in an average of 47 seconds. He is passionate about making things better for gay guys, especially those in the bush and he's an avid backpacker.

Here's his details:

David Graham
age: 26
state: QLD
Occupation: Farmer.
Describing himself in three words: Cheeky, Altruistic, Farmboy.
Personal motto: Never say no to an opportunity, you never know where it'll take you!

Only problem is he's a housemate on Big Brother this year. Whichmeans every fag and their poodle will be fighting for his heart when he is out of the house, but I want to be Jake to his Heath. I could do a Penny and become a country housewife very easily! Here's a pic of him.

Any ideas on how to get him to love me?!
PS this is Tim if you hadn't guessed.


At 9:55 pm, Blogger trashbags said...

I worry about you...

At 12:28 am, Blogger trashbags said...

wow! he's hot. looks kind of like heath ledger only much, much hotter! giddeeeup! any ideas on how to turn him?

tim you have to stop developing crushes on people you haven't met.

At 7:22 pm, Blogger They call me 'Bohemoth'. said...

just email him telling him you're enigmatic.

that oughta do it.


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