Bad Vibes
Here's a few posts of what I've been up to in the past few months.
Post one - Feburary - Bad vibes. Why bad vibes?? Well, let's just say it was a BIIIIG day!

Pic One - Not too bad yet. Having a good time, sweating a little thanks to hot weather. Few Drinks under the belt. Thumbs up from aims.

Pic Two - running into Bathurst People. Courts was there, Ezray and a whole bunch of other CSUians. Sweating profusely now. Speech a little slurred and feeling a touch disoriented. Eyes still focused... on tanned shirtless boys. Sunburn has begun.

Pic Three - Sunglasses broken. No idea where we were walking. Hair (and mentat state) askew. Dehydrated. Skin -> fried. Never showing face of self or besties in public again... for about 8 hours anyway.
Pic Four: Well and truely home time. Trying to fly home and/or touch stars is not best at midnight after a day at bad vibes. Rash from lying in dirt, grass and burrs has begun.
More pics to come this week.
Tim x
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