Saturday, April 08, 2006


So, I went to siagon too. Siagon Village that is. It is 5am. I just got home and im listening to pop... delta, tammin, the like and im blogging. also talking to mon and chris online msn. but they are going now. So im posting. I went to our old fav and then onto purple sneakers i went with my friends from work - siobhan, vicki, new kid jamie. Anyway LONDspoON. I took a photo of my spew and siobhan pashing some random... she'll kill me if she finds this on here, but what are you going to do... leave unfinsished work for someone else who doesnt have time for it to fix. Now this is what I call trashbags. Enjoy.



At 1:17 pm, Blogger trashbags said...


Your spew just looks like rice... where's the soy?

I'm going to have to out do this...


Trashbag Tim

At 11:13 pm, Blogger They call me 'Bohemoth'. said...

aww saigon village. sweet sweet soy sauce.

At 12:30 am, Blogger Me! said...


At 2:57 pm, Blogger Tania Hennessy said...

Go Shav! Thats some full on pash luvin

At 6:25 pm, Blogger Kim said...

You're a horrible, horrible boy. Question is why was a picture taken of me pashing? Reliving old memories at Purple Sneakers huh? Hahahaha. Something about that place is all I can say.


At 8:44 pm, Blogger Kiwi Cows said...

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At 1:44 pm, Blogger Kiwi Cows said...

that looks like a proper dunk'n'lunge!
lovin it!

At 2:11 am, Blogger hiedistar said...

I am impressed by the fact that Angus managed to mispell Saigon in his title, despite having an actual photo of the flashing neon sign with the correct spelling to prompt him! Good form gus.



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