Friday, September 22, 2006

KP's Birthday!

Ok so this is my first time blogging, scary! Plus I've just had a Friday afternoon glass of wine which doesn't help :-)

Since Karla nominated me the 'official' photographer, (i'm so proud!) I have some classic shots from her birthday night.

Thanks for a great night guys! Hopefully we'll have more nights like this one when I move to Sydney. Yes I said 'when' people, not if!

P.S How hot did the birthday girl look!

Mmmmm that looks like a good chicken burger!

$12 bottles of bubbly = great night = struggle street the next day!

Hope my first blog was ok.


Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Mike Moore eat your heart out

For the overseas news hounds, here is a hilarious photo of Naomi Robson from TT last night.
I don't even think Frontline need to bother to take her off.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

We be jammin bahama mama style

Well, this is my first post on the communal trashbags blog!! I am still out at the Bahamas and 'chillin like a villain' (as they say here!). Have been hiding out from Hurricane Ernesto for the past week and spending a rainy Saturday on board the boat writing blog entries on Conch I will be touching Aussie soil in October so can't wait to catch up with one and all for a beer or two or three...til then. Conch salad and Kalik to you all, Bon xx