Saturday, April 29, 2006


People sorry to not tell you earlier but the other week i was chatting to another fellow backpacker when i managed to slip into the conversation`Yea me and my friends love to pop down to the Opera House for a few drinks on a Sunday afternoon´ Thought you guys might be proud.

Meanwhile some helpful tips for the world of shared dorm rooms.
1. New Zealanders are annoying
2. Bogan Australians are the worst snorers.
3. Never share a dorm room with ex Army sex driven males. Or at least if you do, ask them to make sure thier bogan skank takes her bangles off.

From your boy in the bul.


Wednesday, April 19, 2006

psychadelic baby!

wow we were doing some crazy stuff in the car that day...pen
ps does anyone else think i should stop living in the past???

Monday, April 10, 2006

gossip as requested

This town is coupledom really, it is kind of freaky. A soon as you are single around here everyone INSISTS you hook up with somebody...all my friends keep saying to 'You need to get an "amigovio" (amigo is friend, novio is boyfriend..translation: friends with rights). I told someone I wasn't into the idea and they gave me this kind of look like I have a mental problem. Because the reality here is that everyone seems to have at least a few amigovios lined up for the time that (god forbid) they don't have a serious novio. And it doesn't seem strange or slutty it is just the way it is.

So end of the short, I decided to try out the amigovio scene. I have been seeing this guy recently, who I am not that into, but he is hot so why not? The result: it is rather boring. Being with someone that you are not that into is boring..there are no two ways about it! I swear sometime we will be kissing and I am thinking about what I am going to cook for dinner. So why do people do this to themselves all the time??? Buy a dildo I say...

From your faithful buenos aires correspondent.

old memories

found these old shots on my old mobile the other day...too priceless not to share with you all...

ps have you all realised i just learnt how to put photos on blog?!!?!?


ps i have a sore bum from horse riding...

penny's weekend

i learnt to ride a horse.

and i waltzed with a farmer in a cottage on a remote farm surrounded by stars and cows.

and i drank lots of red wine.

i could become a country wife you know....

Saturday, April 08, 2006


So, I went to siagon too. Siagon Village that is. It is 5am. I just got home and im listening to pop... delta, tammin, the like and im blogging. also talking to mon and chris online msn. but they are going now. So im posting. I went to our old fav and then onto purple sneakers i went with my friends from work - siobhan, vicki, new kid jamie. Anyway LONDspoON. I took a photo of my spew and siobhan pashing some random... she'll kill me if she finds this on here, but what are you going to do... leave unfinsished work for someone else who doesnt have time for it to fix. Now this is what I call trashbags. Enjoy.