the travel of the trashbags
Wherever you are remember to reply with: "Yes, when at home me and my friends often pop down to the Opera House for a few drinks on a Lazy Sunday afternoon."
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Monday, June 19, 2006
Friday, June 16, 2006
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
she's leaving so she wants attention
i have a blog
fitting i suppose...
now i will keep everyone updated on my family of penguins i plan to adopt.... once i move to antartica - ok i'll stop exaggerating but it basically is!!!
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
from the gay in the group

Commonwealth wins gay union ban
From: AAP
THE Federal Government has used its powers to disallow the ACT's same-sex unions laws, Attorney-General Philip Ruddock said today.Mr Ruddock said he and Territories Minister Jim Lloyd met Governor-General Michael Jeffery this morning in Executive Council to invalidate the ACT's Civil Unions Act.
The Act would be invalid from midnight tonight. "The ACT civil relationships ordinance has been disallowed," Mr Ruddock said.
"During the course of the afternoon, that will be entered into the relevant register and that means, in effect, that the legislative amendments introduced to establish a civil arrangement for same-sex parties and others in the ACT will no longer be law. "That's the effect of the disallowance."
This post is directed at the federal government. I'm sorry to go all political but oh how it makes me sad. It makes me feel a lot of things - incredibly sad, disapointed, ostracised, different, unsupported. But hey - when I get married, I guess we can all go for an overseas holiday! Canada, here we come! Love (but not legally recognised) from Tim x
Sunday, June 11, 2006
In the ghetto...
I am staying in a hostel in prague that can only be descrided as a ghetto. It is full of graffitti, junkies and us! mmmh got to love that! Well I am glad i am drunkenly updating you all!
Hope you guys had a rockin time out at pearcey's bday! I thought of you all tonight and miss your ugly mugs! I wish i was there ahhhh!
TIM - You are a dirty trashbag and I love you!!!! Keep on grooving buddy!
Big love to the rest of you fellow trashbags!
Miss you!
Love mon
PS have posted some random tales on my blog will update with photos of said ghetto!
Thursday, June 01, 2006
help please
i need help...i did a bad thing.
i borrowed a very expensive dress off one of my friends who is well... a beautician so her clothes and looks are a major part of her life.
at josh's sister's 21st in my usual style i got drunk...went dancing and i put a hole in said dress.
i maintain i got drunk after his dad made a pass in the speech that the next family event should be josh's wedding- christ people it has only been 2 weeks!!!
anyway... any advice as to what i can do to soften the blow?? i have been freaking out all week and not calling her on purpose until i think of a solution. obviously i'll pay for repairs (difficult it's stretchy material) and anything else she wants of course..... argh... i think there is a curse over my 24th year - lost glasses, boys fighting, ripped dress, missing pay... what have i done karma gods???